Friday, May 27, 2016

The Growing Popularity of Quality Flagstone Landscaping in Ashburn, VA

For any landscaping project in Ashburn, VA, there are tons of options to inspire designers and home remodelers. One classic and timeless medium comes in the form of flagstone, which is widely used in landscaping and patio renovations. Flagstone landscaping adds beauty, value, and durability to any yard, patio, or home. Professional designers are well aware that this is a versatile material that can be used for fences, walls, rooftops, patios, and driveways. Homeowners are choosing flagstone more and more these days not just because of its beauty and durability, but for a plethora of other benefits. A Variety of Colors and Designs When it comes to flagstone landscaping, the options for colors and designs are practically unlimited. Limestone, sandstone, shale, are some of the most common materials used for flagstone. Marble is another great addition to this family.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This Year’s Spring Also Brings Big Discounts for Landscaping Services

As snow gradually melts and the weather becoming warmer, one thing is for certain: spring is upon us once again. For homeowners, spring is the season for cleaning and home improvement projects. What better way to make your home look better for the summer than to invest in landscaping and hardscaping services? For Ashburn, VA homeowners, there’s only one name you can trust for your landscaping needs. HDS Landscaping Design Center and Law Maintenance offers an array of landscaping services, along with routine maintenance, to make your yard’s greenery look better. You can also trust us for designing and installing hardscaping projects, including retaining walls, patio walkways, and driveways.